Monday, April 18, 2011

Lindungi File Penting Anda Dengan FileSecrets

FileSecrets is lightweight, simple but effective tool for protecting your files from any unauthorized access. Windows might have an ability to protect files, however, this can be easily altered by users in your computer that have right access privileges. The aim of FileSecrets is to “secretly” protect your files – which means that other users will not even have idea on how your files are protected or even will not notice that your files are there.
The tool has the following options to support your protection needs:
Deny Access to File or Folder
This will restrict the specified file or folder from any access, from any user or application. For example, if a user tries to access your file from Windows Explorer, the user will receive the below error. Take note that this is not limited to Windows Explorer only as it also covers any other applications.
(Note, snapshots are taken from Windows 7 environment.)
When using this option, the File or Folder will remain locked until you disable its entry from FileSecrets GUI.
Deny Modify to File or Folder
You need to use this option if you want to share your files, however, restricting anyone to do any modification or deleting a file. This is also useful when you want to protect your files from any Virus infections but leaving them accessible. If someone tries to delete or modify a file, he or she will receive the following errors: 
Hide the File/Folder
Use this option if you like to hide your file or folder virtually from any application. Hidden in such a way by pretending that the file does not exists in your file system, therefore, users will not be able to see your files. The only way to show your files is to disable its entry from FileSecrets GUI.

File Secrets GUI
Simple GUI to add files or folders you want to protect as well as what type of protection.
Password Protection
FileSecrets is password protected. When a user runs the application, he/she will be asked for the password you set.
You can set your own picture to be displayed in the password box. This is configured from the GUI.
Windows Explorer Integration
For accessibility, the tool provides an option to integrate FileSecrets to Windows Explorer. This is to enable FileSecrets Shell Extention. When this is enabled, you can easily disable/enable protection by right-clicking the file or folder that is protected. This only excludes Hide Files protection since theres no way to right-click them. When a protected file is right-click, it will show an entry from pop-up menu to disable/enable the protection.
For example below when right-clicking Deny Access protected folder.

Of course, the user will be asked first for password before granting the action.
When done, the user should return the protection by right-clicking again the folder and selecting ‘Deny Access’ menu:
The same situation also goes to Deny Modify protected files or folders.
Self Protection
FileSecrets protects itself by not allowing any unautorized stop from running, uninstallation or deletion of its compenents.

System Resource Usage
FileSecrets is a lightweight tool that it only starts a standby Windows Driver component in the background that does all the protection. Therefore, it does not really impact any system performace.

This tool should only be used by advance users. As you know, you are free to select which files you protect, therefore, please be carefull not to select Windows System Critical Files – means files that are important for your system to run properly.
I hereby declare that I will not have any obligation or responsibility regarding any damage that the tool may cause.
The tool somehow includes basic restrictions (i.e. restrict adding known system paths such as c:Windows, however, the restriction is very limited). Please always handle with care.

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